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Children and young people feedback line: 0808 175 3333

Quarterly data

We collect data showing Public - Cafcass - LA Duration History. 

Cafcass produces ‘heat maps’ showing how each Designated Family Judge (DFJ) area is performing in relation to the Public Law Outline target of 26 weeks.  

Q3: 2024-25

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 39 calendar weeks.

Heat map Q3 2024-25



The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 40 calendar weeks.

Heat map Q2 2024-25

Q1: 2024-25

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 42 calendar weeks.

Heat map Q1 2024-25

Q4: 2023-24

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 43 calendar weeks.

Heat map Q4 2023-24

Q3: 2023-24

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 43 calendar weeks.

Heat map Q3 2023-24

Q2: 2023-24

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 44 calendar weeks.

Heat map Q2 2023-24

Please note the map data was ran on 26/01/24 and may differ from the data within the spreadsheets which ran on 26/11/23.

Q1: 2023-24

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 44 calendar weeks.

Heat map Q1 2023-24

Q4: 2022-23 

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 46 calendar weeks.

Heat map Q4 2022-23

Q3: 2022-23 

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 46 calendar weeks.

Heat map Q3 2022-23

Q2: 2022-23 

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 45 calendar weeks. 

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 45 calendar weeks.

Q1: 2022-23  

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 44 calendar weeks.  

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 44 calendar weeks.  

Q4: 2021-22  

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 47 calendar weeks. 

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 47 calendar weeks. 

Q3: 2021-22 

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 45 calendar weeks.  

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 45 calendar weeks.  

Q2: 2021-22

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 44 calendar weeks.

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 44 calendar weeks.

Q1: 2021-22

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 44 calendar weeks.  

The national average for care and supervision (s31) application duration is 44 calendar weeks.  

Please refer to the DFJ Duration Trend file for historical information – Public - DJF Care Application Duration History 

Note: The duration is measured from when the application is issued to when the application completes. Applications may be in relation to one child only or many children. All average durations are presented to the nearest whole week and calculated from the total number of calendar days it takes to complete. See below for more details on how the calculations are made. 

Cafcass Section 31 Application Durations

The purpose of this document is to explain why courts and local authorities may produce Section 31 application duration figures that differ to Cafcass. It is not expected that the durations reported by different organisations will match exactly, but they should be within a reasonable distance of each other.