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Sharing recommendations with you

At Cafcass, we know that it is important for you to understand what is happening in your family proceedings. This film explains how your Cafcass worker will work with you and your family to help the court decide what is safe for you and what is in your best interests. Recommendations from Cafcass are to help the judge make the best decisions for you and your family. We want to make sure that you have a voice and your Cafcass worker will help you understand what they are going to recommend and will make sure that the judge knows what you think about your future. We hope you find it helpful.

Cartoon of child drawing with their Cafcass officer

This film was made in collaboration with young people who have been involved in family proceedings and have been supported by Cafcass: Family Justice Young People's Board. The film was produced by the production company My Pockets.  

Watch the British Sign Language (BSL) version of Sharing recommendations.

Now watch 'Taking me seriously: Letting you know how we help'

If you found our 'Sharing our recommendations with you' film helpful, you might also want to watch our first Taking me seriously film at: Children & Young People