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Children and young people feedback line: 0808 175 3333

Contact us

Please do get in touch with us

In this section, you can find information on how to contact us at Cafcass, whether you want to provide feedback on our services or to ask us a question. If you have an enquiry, please use the contact form on this page or call or message us on the numbers shown below.  

How to share your feedback on our services

In this section, you can find information on how to contact us, whether you want to provide feedback on our services or to ask us a question. If you have an enquiry, please use the contact form on this page or call or message us on the numbers shown below.  

We always welcome constructive feedback on our services. So, if you want to tell us about something we did well or something we did not do well, please get in touch. Hearing your feedback helps us improve our services for children and families in the future.  

  • Children and young people can provide feedback by calling our dedicated Hear to Listen phone service on: 0808 175 3333. Lines for this service are open from: 9am – 5pm on Monday to Thursday and 9am – 4:30pm on Friday. Alternatively, please use our Feedback form for Children and return it by post to: Cafcass, PO Box 5076, Slough, SR1 ORX.  
  • Parents, carers and family members can provide feedback to us by completing the contact form on this webpage – please select either Compliments, Complaints or General Feedback. Alternatively, please use our Feedback form for Adults and return it by post to: Cafcass, PO Box 5076, Slough, SR1 0RX. 
  • Professionals or other adults involved with a child wishing to provide feedback can do so by completing the contact form on this webpage – please select either Compliments, Complaints or General Feedback. Alternatively, please use our Feedback form for Significant others and return it by post to: Cafcass, PO Box 5076, Slough, SR1 0RX. 

To read more about our approach to obtaining and dealing with feedback, please read the following feedback strategy overview: 

General enquires 

General enquiry
To speak to someone about your case with Cafcass you can:
  • phone 0300 456 4000 – the Cafcass call centre is open 09.00 to 17.00 Monday to Thursday and 09.00 to 16.30 Friday (excluding bank holidays)
  • fill out the form below
Information about available roles, what it’s like to work for Cafcass, current vacancies and the recruitment process is available on our careers page.

If the information you’re seeking is not already available, or you have a question about a role or the application process, please contact our recruitment team using the form below.

Cafcass publishes a lot of information about the work we do which is already available. Please see this in our publication scheme, and our freedom of information disclosure logs, showing our previous responses to freedom of information requests. You may find that the information you want is already available.


If the information you would like to see is not already published, you can make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request for this. You have the right to:

  • be informed whether Cafcass holds the information (unless an exemption applies).
  • If that is the case, to have that information communicated to you within 20 working days

A request can be made using the details below, giving your name, email address, the information you would like to access and the method of access (hardcopy or email) via:
  • completing the form below
  • post: FOI administrator, Cafcass national office, 3rd floor, 21 Bloomsbury Street, London WC1B 3HF

If the information you are requesting is information about yourself or others i.e. personal information, then this information cannot be provided under the Freedom of Information Act. You can request a copy of your personal information by making a Subject Access Request . For more information about Freedom of Information requests, such as what exemptions may apply and what do if you are unhappy with the way your request was handled, please see our Freedom of Information website page.

You have a right of access to personal data about yourself under the General Data Protection Regulation, although certain exemptions apply. You are entitled to be informed of whether any personal data concerning yourself is being held by Cafcass and, if so:

  • to be given a description of the data
  • to be told for what purposes the data is used
  • to be told of the recipients or groups of recipients to whom the data is or may be shared.

To see how Cafcass handles your personal information, please see our privacy notice.

A Subject Access Request (SAR) must be dealt with within 30 calendar days of receipt of the request together with the necessary documentation. A SAR can be made via:

  • completing the form below
  • post: Customer Services Team – SAR, Cafcass, National Business Centre, Milburn Hill Road, University of Warwick Science Park, Coventry CV4 7JJ
  • by telephone or in person (any request made verbally will be passed to the Customer Service Team)


For more information please see our Subject Access Request website page. To make a subject access request, please:

  • tell us what information would you like to access?
  • tell us if you would like to access information about your children?
Information about children may be released to a person with parental responsibility. However, the best interests of the child will always be considered. Please note that when a child is considered by Cafcass to be mature enough to understand their own right to see their personal information, a parent will not be able to request the information on the child’s behalf. Cafcass will notify the parent that we will only respond to the request if the child makes it themselves.
  • attach proof of ID
  • attach proof of residence

Please be aware that we may experience some delays in allocating complaints to a member of the team.  If this affects your complaint we will let you know and tell you how long this might be.

Although we try hard to provide high quality services to children and their families, we know that sometimes you might be unhappy with the way we have worked with you.

Information about our complaints process is available on our concerns and complaints website page. If you are a young person, please read our page for you.

If you disagree with our recommendations in a court report, or the professional assessment set out in the report, please raise your concerns in court where they can be explored. These types of concerns can only be addressed within court and not as part of our complaints process.

We encourage children and families to raise their concerns while we are still involved in the court proceedings so that, wherever possible, concerns can be drawn to the attention of the court before proceedings conclude. Once your court proceedings have finished we will be limited in the actions we can take and the response we can provide to your complaint.

You can contact us to raise concerns in the following ways:

  • - by completing the form below
  • - by post to Cafcass Post, PO BOX 5076, Slough, SL1 0RX


The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman – the organisation that makes final decisions on Cafcass complaints – has some tips on making a complaint about UK government services that you may find helpful when sharing your complaint with us.

If you would like to let us know about what we have done well, you can let your Cafcass worker or the manager at your local office know, or you can:
  • complete the form below
  • write to: Customer Service Team – Compliment, Cafcass, National Business Centre, Milburn Hill Road, University of Warwick Science Park, Coventry CV4 7JJ
If you have identified a problem with our website or would like to suggest an improvement, please let us know. It is helpful if you can attach a screenshot of the issue or page.
Please use this option if you are contacting us to provide missing contact information for yourself, or to confirm your personal details.

If you do not have a case with Cafcass, we are unable to provide you with advice. Please see our website here for helpful sources of information.

If any of your personal or contact details change, such as your address, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can update your records promptly.

If you do not have a case with Cafcass, we are unable to provide you with advice on your situation.

If you have a question about you or your ex-partner spending time with your child after separation, please see the Ministry of Justice website for information on mediation and court processes.

If your question is about enforcing or changing an existing child arrangements order, you may wish to seek legal advice on the options available to you. Please see this Cafcass factsheet for information on organisations that can help.

We also have a resource page for parents and carers with links to other helpful sources of information.
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25 MB limit.
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Cafcass or court reference number. Your Cafcass case reference number is six or seven digits long. The court reference number is longer, starting with letters. Please make sure to provide a reference number as this helps us to respond to your query.
Postal Address
Providing this information is optional but will help us to verify your identity more quickly
Providing this information is optional but will help us to verify your identity more quickly

We do not operate an out of hours emergency helpline or service. If you have concerns about the safety and wellbeing of a child, please contact your local authority or the police. 

Please note that we cannot give legal advice, information about specific cases to non-parties, or advice on your personal circumstances. 

Other ways to contact us:

We do not operate an out of hours emergency helpline or service. If you have concerns about the safety and wellbeing of a child, please contact your local authority or the police. 

Please note that we cannot give legal advice, information about specific cases to non-parties, or advice on your personal circumstances. 

If you are deaf or hard of hearing

If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you may contact Cafcass through text-to-speech services, a British Sign Language (BSL) Interpreter, or with the assistance of a family member or friend.

Request a callback

Genesys callback

Enter your details in the form below and our call centre team will contact you as close to the requested date and time as possible.

Please note that this service is for our main call centre service and not for the Hear to Listen feedback line. Our operating hours are Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm, and Friday, 9am to 4:30pm, excluding bank holidays.

WhatsApp service

If you are aged 16 or over, you can contact us securely via WhatsApp and our call centre team will help you with any questions you may have. It will connect you to one of our agents between 9 am – 5 pm, Monday to Thursday or 9am – 4.30 pm on Fridays (excluding bank holidays).