Contact us
Please do get in touch with us
In this section, you can find information on how to contact us at Cafcass, whether you want to provide feedback on our services or to ask us a question. If you have an enquiry, please use the contact form on this page or call or message us on the numbers shown below.
How to share your feedback on our services
In this section, you can find information on how to contact us, whether you want to provide feedback on our services or to ask us a question. If you have an enquiry, please use the contact form on this page or call or message us on the numbers shown below.
We always welcome constructive feedback on our services. So, if you want to tell us about something we did well or something we did not do well, please get in touch. Hearing your feedback helps us improve our services for children and families in the future.
- Children and young people can provide feedback by calling our dedicated Hear to Listen phone service on: 0808 175 3333. Lines for this service are open from: 9am – 5pm on Monday to Thursday and 9am – 4:30pm on Friday. Alternatively, please use our Feedback form for Children and return it by post to: Cafcass, PO Box 5076, Slough, SR1 ORX.
- Parents, carers and family members can provide feedback to us by completing the contact form on this webpage – please select either Compliments, Complaints or General Feedback. Alternatively, please use our Feedback form for Adults and return it by post to: Cafcass, PO Box 5076, Slough, SR1 0RX.
- Professionals or other adults involved with a child wishing to provide feedback can do so by completing the contact form on this webpage – please select either Compliments, Complaints or General Feedback. Alternatively, please use our Feedback form for Significant others and return it by post to: Cafcass, PO Box 5076, Slough, SR1 0RX.
To read more about our approach to obtaining and dealing with feedback, please read the following feedback strategy overview:
Our ambition and commitment is to listen, learn, and then improve our work with children and families.
We are committed to learning and changing in response to the experiences of, and feedback from, children and families. We believe that unless we prioritise the importance of learning from how others experience us – and in particular, children - we will find it harder to change and to improve.
Our strategy and our associated national improvement plan set out our clear ambition in relation to learning from feedback, so that we can demonstrate the use of children’s and family feedback in how we improve and change our practice.
Our practice framework, Together with children and families, prioritises the importance of making meaningful relationships. We want to establish trust in our work and show a strong commitment to making sure that we listen respectfully. We also want to share our thinking with families and with children about what we have understood their experiences, wishes and feelings to be.
Our Together framework emphasises the importance of explaining how our recommendations to the family court promote the safety and best interests of all children in family court proceedings. Together commits us to understand what life is like for the children with whom we work and to ask them what we did well and what we could have done differently.
There are four key areas of work that underpin our Feedback Strategy:
- We routinely seek feedback from children and families: we do this by encouraging them to complete our standard feedback forms for children, adults and professionals which are available on this webpage. We also use introductory letters when we first meet children to let them know that we would value their feedback throughout our work with them, right through until we send our goodbye letters. Everyone has the opportunity to provide feedback. We are committed to seeking feedback, listening to it, thinking about what it means and acting on it to drive our improvement work.
- Conversations with children and families as part of our audit process: we have conversations with children, families and other professionals when we audit our work as part of our quality assurance process. This is to increase our understanding of how children and families have experienced us. It enables us to hear directly about the quality of our work and the difference it is making, as well as to identify where our work needs to improve.
- Direct feedback from children and young people: we hear feedback from children and young people through channels such as an app used by our Family Court Advisers called ‘How it looks to me’, and our freephone feedback line, Hear to Listen. This enables a child to share their experiences at the end of family court proceedings. We also use complaints from adults and children as a form of obtaining feedback and learning for the future.
- Listen and Learn conversations: we hold in-depth conversations with children and families. Where necessary, we use a restorative approach, which is a way that encourages open and honest feedback designed to help us, where we can, put right something that we did not do well enough.
General enquires
We do not operate an out of hours emergency helpline or service. If you have concerns about the safety and wellbeing of a child, please contact your local authority or the police.
Please note that we cannot give legal advice, information about specific cases to non-parties, or advice on your personal circumstances.
Other ways to contact us:
We do not operate an out of hours emergency helpline or service. If you have concerns about the safety and wellbeing of a child, please contact your local authority or the police.
Please note that we cannot give legal advice, information about specific cases to non-parties, or advice on your personal circumstances.
If you are deaf or hard of hearing
If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you may contact Cafcass through text-to-speech services, a British Sign Language (BSL) Interpreter, or with the assistance of a family member or friend.
Request a callback
WhatsApp service
If you are aged 16 or over, you can contact us securely via WhatsApp and our call centre team will help you with any questions you may have. It will connect you to one of our agents between 9 am – 5 pm, Monday to Thursday or 9am – 4.30 pm on Fridays (excluding bank holidays).