Information and resources for parents

We understand that being involved in family court proceedings can be challenging. Below you will find information, resources and links to organisations that could help you with a range of different topics. Please click the titles to see more.
- Adoption UK
- Adoption Contact Register – information about contact between people who have been adopted and their birth relatives
- After Adoption – information about adoption
- Adoption following a placement order
- British Association of Adoption and Fostering – help and advice about adoption
- Children relinquished for adoption
- Coram
- Natural Parents Network - support for parents in adoption
- Partner adoption
- Potential adopters
- Top tips for parents working with the Children’s Guardian in public law proceedings – information on changing a child’s name and parental responsibility
- National Association of Child Contact Centres – information about contact centres
- British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy – provides information about counselling and psychotherapy
- Life Coach Directory – a support network of UK life coaches
- Marriage Care – relationship counselling and support
- Relate – advice about relationships
- Putting your children first – private law factsheet
- Relate – advice about relationships
- Planning Together for Children
- Amicable – Useful divorce guides, tips and support. Also contains a free app for goal setting and producing a parenting plan with your ex-partner.
- Top tips for parents on the impact of parental separation and court proceedings on children.
- Family Justice Council's guide to sorting out finances and on divorce
- Explaining decisions made by the Family Court to children
- Transparency Project guidance note – This guidance note takes parents and professionals through the main aspects of how domestic abuse is dealt with in the family court.
- Ministry of Justice – The Ministry of Justice website has a directory of accredited mediation providers in your area.
- Family Mediation Council
- National Family Mediation
- Family Lives – support for parents and children
- Family Rights Group – advice for parents and families with a child in the care system
- Getting some extra help: Family Assistance Orders
- Relate – advice about relationships
If you are unhappy with the service you have received and would like to make a complaint, please see the information on feedback and complaints on our website.
- Ministry of Justice – advice and information on the family justice system
- Department of Health – information on health-related issues and adult social care
- – access to all government sites
- Department for Education – information about children and families, young people, parents, education and skills
- Ofsted – the organisation in charge of all Cafcass inspections
- Ask the Experts: 10 tips for parents about children and separation
- The Association for Shared Parenting – provides support for parents after separation or divorce
- Families Need Fathers – information and support for parents of either sex
- Family Rights Group – advice and support for families whose children are involved with social services. Family Rights Group also has advice for women experiencing domestic violence when social services are involved with their family.
- Fatherhood Institute – the National Information Centre on Fatherhood
- Gingerbread – support for lone parents.
- MATCH – non-judgemental emotional support for all mothers living apart from their children.
- NFPI – National Family and Parenting Institute – support for parents.
- Natural Parents Network – support for parents in adoption.
- Parenting Plan
- Relate – Family life and parenting – advice and free online counselling for parents concerned about their teenagers getting into serious trouble
- Reporting Abuse in Education – a dedicated helpline for children and young people who have been victims of abuse, and for worried adults and professionals that need support and guidance. Run by fully trained NSPCC helpline staff.
- Rule 16.4 children’s cases
- Top tips for separating parents
- Voices in the middle – website that provides advice for parents on talking to and supporting teenagers during divorce and separation
After the surrogacy process factsheet
Parental Orders factsheet
Parental Order Reporter factsheet – information about surrogacy in the UK
HFEA – information about surrogacy from the government’s independent regulator on fertility
Surrogacy UK – support for UK surrogacy arrangements
Brilliant Beginnings – support for UK surrogacy arrangements
Childlessness Overcome Through Surrogacy – support for UK surrogacy arrangements
My Surrogacy Journey – support for UK, US and Canada surrogacy
We are keen to hear from children and families about their experience of our services and the support we provided. Please use the feedback form for adults or significant others (if you are someone who plays a role in a child’s life, a wider family member, carer or professional). We use this information to help us improve our services.
Cafcass is not responsible for the content or reliability of the linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. Listing shall not be taken as endorsement of any kind. Cafcass cannot guarantee that these links will work all the time and has no control over the availability of linked pages.