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Board meeting reports

Future Board meetings and publication dates

The table below shows the dates when the Cafcass Board is due to meet in 2024-2025, and the date when the minutes and reports are expected to be published.


Date of meetingDate of publication
11 July 2024 October 2024
17 October 2024January 2025
30 January 2025May 2025
1 May 2025July 2025




Board meetings and reports

Board minutes and reports for the last five years are available below. For records before this date, please see the archived version of our site. Please contact Cafcass at if you have any questions regarding any of the exemptions applied to the Board papers

Board meeting audio recordings

Cafcass Board meeting audio recordings are available on our Cafcass SoundCloud page.


Members of the Board also meet in three sub committees:

Audit and Risk Assurance Committee 

  • Supports and advises the Board on arrangements and processes for the management of risk, organisational systems, internal controls and governance, that it considers appropriate in helping the Board discharge its duties.

Performance and Quality Committee

  • Supports the Board through oversight of the performance of services, the quality of children’s casework and the impact of that work on children and families, Cafcass and the courts. 

People committee 

  • Supports the Board through oversight of the policy and strategy frameworks for the recruitment, retention, reward and development of people.

Remuneration committee

  • Supports the Board through the review of arrangements for the executive directors’ remuneration structure.