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Cafcass emphasises the importance of explaining decision making to children in new animated film


Cafcass prioritises the leadership of, and support for, Family Court Advisers (FCA) and Children’s Guardians in the work it does to help children understand the advice that is being given to the family court about current and future arrangements for them. In order to help explain this to children, their families and carers, Cafcass is releasing a second animation in its ‘Taking me seriously’ film series. The animated film was developed in collaboration with members of the Family Justice Young People’s Board (FJYPB), Cafcass leaders and practitioners and is produced by the production company My Pockets.

Understanding what is happening in family proceedings is an important part of promoting and enabling children’s wellbeing and safety. This has been a developing priority for the organisation for some five years now and aligns closely with Cafcass’ strategic ambition to provide all children, young people and their families with an exceptional experience, everywhere and every time they engage with the organisation. 

Made in collaboration with young people who have experiences of family court proceedings, the latest Taking Me Seriously film explains to children and young people what recommendations are and why it is important that they are understood clearly. ​The film is the second in a series to help explain to children, families and Cafcass’ partners the role Cafcass has in working with children involved in family court proceedings. The films are developed in accordance with the values of Cafcass’ practice framework, Together with Children and Families.

Working with over 137,000 children annually whose future is decided by the family courts, Cafcass provides a service that prioritises their safety, their voices and their needs. The impact of the court’s decisions last a lifetime and the new film reminds professionals across the family justice system of the importance of protecting and respecting children and young people by helping them understand, to give responses to, and to influence, the decisions being made about them. 

Speaking about why young people should watch the film, an FJYPB member said:

“It’s a great video so that children can understand and know what to expect when they’re coming into family court proceedings and talking to their FCAs.” – Zoe 

Speaking about why professionals should watch the film, an FJYPB member said:

“The video gives professionals a greater understanding of what it’s like for us children to go through court proceedings. By them understanding what it’s like for the child, they’ll be able to work with them better and let them have greater experience of the family law proceedings.” – Oliver 

Jacky Tiotto, Cafcass Chief Executive said:

“We all know that at times in our lives when we are frightened, when there is a lot of uncertainty and when we are having to talk to strangers about our private lives, the thing that helps the most, is information and understanding. It gives us back some control, a sense that we can change our lives and critically that we are alongside someone who understands and will help us through the difficult times. This is fundamentally why we have been spending time trying to learn how to do this well because it is so important for children. All of our work can only be done through developing trusting relationships and that comes with sharing our thinking and understanding about the very privileged and private information that children share with us. I love this film, its purpose and the confidence it will give to everyone about the work. The production company gets it just right and I am grateful to them, the children and the team who worked on it. I am also in awe of the work our people here do! Thank you!”


If you would like to watch the first Taking Me Seriously video, it is available to view here: Children & Young People